
Albuquerque Fraud Defense Attorney

Fraud is a broad term that refers to a number of offenses ranging from money laundering and identity theft to securities fraud. Meaning, acts of fraud involve any false statements, actions, or deceptive activity that is knowingly imposed on one party by another to misrepresent or conceal the truth. Laws against fraud vary from state-to-state and the penalties for such offenses can be severe.

Types of Fraud in Albuquerque

There are numerous types of fraud offenses in Albuquerque, several of which fall under white-collar crime category. They include:

An individual or entity convicted of a fraud crime may face harsh consequences such as:

The severity of the penalties depends on various circumstances surrounding the case.

If you or someone you know has been accused of fraud in Albuquerque, it is crucial you hire an experienced fraud defense attorney who can help you obtain a favorable outcome to your fraud case in Albuquerque.